Data types define the type of data that a variable can hold. PHP provides the following built-in data types:

What is String datatype is PHP:
A sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols, enclosed in single or double quotes.
$str = "Hello world!";
echo $str;
Integer datatype in PHP:
A whole number (positive, negative, or zero) without a decimal point. An integer number typically ranging between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
$x = 55;
Float datatype in PHP:
A number with a decimal point or a fractional component.
$x = 82.55;
Boolean datatype in PHP:
A value that can be either true or false.
if (TRUE)
echo "This condition is TRUE.";
if (FALSE)
echo "This condition is FALSE.";
Array Array datatype in PHP:
A collection of elements, each identified by a key, which can hold values of different data types.
$x =array("Mohan", "Ajit", "Vikash");
NULL datatype in PHP:
Its represents the absence of a value.
$x =null;
What is Object data type in PHP:
An instance of a class, which is a blueprint that defines the properties and methods of an object.
class car {
function model() {
$model_name = "BMW";
echo "car Model: " .$model_name;
$obj = new car();
$obj -> model();
car Model: BMW